booking photo

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New Member
New Mexico
A friend of mine was arrested on an aggravated driving , open container and dwi. the blood alcohol was 1.6 I was immediately concerned and before work on e day I printed her booking photo with her inmate id , it did not have charges simply her photo with the id the purpose was to remember the info prior to mailing the letter . after mailing the letter I threw it in my book bag and went to work . several people inadvertently saw it , I was informed initially about her arrest from a supervisor , who had apparently informed other people prior to my knowledge . one person saw it and said thats not right . I attempted to explain it was used for me to mail her a letter and nothing more . I immediately shredded the letter . and she may pursue a lawsuit against me for def of char. I never defamed her I actually discussed with the people who came to me how we could get bail for her or get her out I also sent the letter stating how sorry I was and how we would do anything we could to help her . does she have a case since it was used for good intentions and there was no charge info there simply her photo and id?
Your "friend" has a drinking problem.

She needs to address this drinking problem and the resultant charge(s) against her.

Assuming the page that you printed up was from a publicly available source, do not worry.
I printed her booking photo with her inmate id

Why and from where did you do this?

the purpose was to remember the info prior to mailing the letter .

What letter?

I threw it in my book bag and went to work . several people inadvertently saw it

How did anyone "inadvertently" see something that was in your book bag?

she may pursue a lawsuit against me for def of char.

Huh? How is it that you or she thinks you defamed her?

I never defamed her

I agree (or at least nothing in your post indicates that you did).

does she have a case since it was used for good intentions and there was no charge info there simply her photo and id?

It's not at all clear how you gained access to this person's booking photo. However, if all you did was print the photo and show it to others, that's not defamation (or anything else for which she could successfully sue you). Defamation requires, among other things, the publication of a false statement of fact.
The OP has been making the rounds of various legal site asking this question. Not sure if he'll return here but down the street he did say he printed the photo from a county public-access website from which one is able to obtain inmate information.
sorry I apologize for the delay she was informed I showed everyone , I did not M y book bag was unzipped and the paper was there and a couple saw it saw it one that doesn't like me at work informed her I was showing everyone . I did no lies or slanderous statements I destroyed it soon after they saw it
A friend of mine was arrested on an aggravated driving , open container and dwi. the blood alcohol was 1.6 I was immediately concerned and before work on e day I printed her booking photo with her inmate id , it did not have charges simply her photo with the id the purpose was to remember the info prior to mailing the letter . after mailing the letter I threw it in my book bag and went to work . several people inadvertently saw it , I was informed initially about her arrest from a supervisor , who had apparently informed other people prior to my knowledge . one person saw it and said thats not right . I attempted to explain it was used for me to mail her a letter and nothing more . I immediately shredded the letter . and she may pursue a lawsuit against me for def of char. I never defamed her I actually discussed with the people who came to me how we could get bail for her or get her out I also sent the letter stating how sorry I was and how we would do anything we could to help her . does she have a case since it was used for good intentions and there was no charge info there simply her photo and id?

Where did you get her booking photo? Was it on a public site? Then you did nothing wrong. If it's on a public site then anyone can access it.

Who is going to pursue a lawsuit? Your friend? It's public knowledge when someone gets arrested. That shit is all over the news. A county near where I live posts their inmate roster daily. You can look people up in VINE. I see arrest reports posted by multiple police stations.

Don't bail her out. Let her sit.
Don't bail her out. Let her sit.

I wholeheartedly support these wise words.

I am the king of NO, and it's greatest champion.
One of the smallest words in the English language, NO, but a word that can keep your money in your pocket while keeping you out of trouble.

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