Naturalization, Citizenship Born in Canada, naturalized in the States

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I was born in Canada in 1953; in 1963 my family moved to the US then I was naturalized in 1971.

My question is...can I obtain dual-citizenship with Canada?

mrewop said:
I was born in Canada in 1953; in 1963 my family moved to the US then I was naturalized in 1971.

My question is...can I obtain dual-citizenship with Canada?


I believe that Canada allows dual citizenships. The US is a different story. I've heard different stories, one stating that renunciation of foreign citizenship is required another stating that there is absolutely nothing forbidding it in the Constitution although I think under the oath you must renounce your Canadian citizenship. This does not mean that Canada will take this reununciation and withdraw your citizenship. So I think the answer is yes, you can be a dual citizen.
The US nowadays allows dual citizenship. If you were born in Canada you probably were a Canadian citizen. It could be that you actually lost your Canadian citizenship.

There was a time when Canadians who were naturalized in another country lost their citizenship. Later the Canadian laws were changed, today they allow dual citizenship.

What you should do is contact a Canadian consulate and inquire if you are still a citizen or not, and if not, if you could get it back.
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