Boss hates me

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Started last Nov. My boss asked me to go help in an area that I have worked in for the last 10 years, everyone else was new including the dept. manager. Work out there for 8 hrs and got along with everyone. My boss called all staff for a meeting. In front of all the staff members he told me that I was out there stepping on toes, and that i had the whole team upset. I left in tears. Things were pretty rocky, then in March he gave me my rating review. He told me he did not need to cover it with me because I was 1 out 8 managers that rated as high as I did. He told me i was a hard worker and Thanked me for everything. I told him at that time I was interested in moving dept. He told me that dept. manager was not going anywhere. I left for vac. on March 18, and returned to work on April 24. First part of May that management position came open. He told this other younger guy to apply, and did not say a word to me. May 14 he called me in for my interview and at that time he told me I had an anger management problem, and asked me if I was only applying for the position because the other guy was. I told him "NO", that we had discussed that in my rating review. Then he told me that i have been in so much trouble with my job, always being written up and so on. I asked him if he had pulled my work history, because i have never been written up. I asked him why he did not say anything to me in my rating review. He told me that you only talk about there good points in these reviews. I told him I had been a manager in this store for 8 plus years and I always told them in there rating reviews there weakness and strengths. I called the company ethics line on him for giving several managers special treatment, and he threw that back in my face. Now he has started putting me on performaces issue that are false. When I spoke to my Opps. manager and told her I felt harassed by him, I was called in to the office and put on a Final Ethic's violation for insubornation. I have 14 very strong years with company without any kind of vioaltions. HELP............
I need help. I don't know what to do. Do i contact my ethics dept. I have been keeping a log book for a year of all the things that have been happening. I just need help to figure what steps I need to take next. Just need some feed back on where to start. I can't afford to lose my job. I have been a good employee for 14 years and 3 years on and off.
Ah, yes indeed..the "Entitled Manager" who can do anything they want. Mine came from WA. Maybe there is something in the water up there?????
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