Bought a Pain (House)

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In May 2006 we bought a house in brampton ontario we had to pay what property taxes had been paid to the previous owners which is what were suppose to do. We had a lawyer look after everything .At that time the mortgage was 1,182.65 plus property tax which brought us up to 1388.52. Now during the summer off this year 2007 mortgage bounced i looked to see why because the normal amount was there it now said the mortgage is 1514.65 .How they got this figure is this 1,182.65 it says regular payment plus interest and principal. Now the tax has jumped up to 313.32. plus 18,98 for home protector insurance. I asked how they could just jump the amount up like that they said we didnt pay the full amount off for the year before and that taxes went up .Well i did check with the city of brampton sure it went up but should only be a difference of around 20 bucks a month not a few hundred. We really still have got no answer to why but we have to pay it. We went into the bank the financial advisor couldnt help us neither could the one she told us to call. So were still paying it . And i am waiting for the next surpise in january of it flying up the amount again how can they do this .The lawyer we had said he would look after it and tht he heard that someone else was having trouble with the same bank. WELL its now december i called him back a few times last time i was not to happy no calls back to me so far. The rbc will not give info said they sent a letter which we never did get . And the amount are totally not what the city is saying .Actually the city is saying something about the bank was suppose to send them some papers when we bought it saying we got a loan or something from them. They said they had received something the month we bought it then they removed the information and so the house doestn show it has a loan with them.Now i know not to deal with a lawyer who works with the mortgage guy in any bank to many rubbing of elbows and messing ppl like me and my family up who cant afford high costs. The last thing the bank did and was never explain to us and of course we did not find out until months after is the mortgage was based on my husbands income and son so i we figured both are owners hence that is what we were told. We found out trying to find out aboutthe mortgage that my son was never put on it he was used a co- signer type thing. If the mortgage keeps continuing to go up we wil loose it even though we were only here not even a 2 years because they make surprise amounts and jumps of a few hundred at a time so we have no clue what we should or should not pay . We could do with some help. Since the increase once i saw they woudnlt talk to us or prove to us how we got behind when we had paid it when we bought the house i started taking pictures of the mortgage info each month after its been paid to show there changes each month.
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What is your legal question for us?

My question is how can they do that and can someone explain for what reasons and or what we do about it
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