Bought truck on Ebay.....hidden damage

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Oregon

I recently purchased this pickup truck through ebay. Upor recieving the vehicle the condition was less than it appeared in the description but I did not mind cosmetic damages. Upon getting home I noticed the truck bed was a full inch higher on one side than the other. I immediately contacted the seller (private party) and requested a refund as I suspected hidden damages and there were too many issues piling up that was not mentioned in the ad, including the cracked window, heavy scratches around bed with starting rust, broken parking brake, torn seat, torn shifter boot, broken gas cap, faulty cruise control and a check engine light that came on as I drove home. The seller declined. I took the truck to a body shop and had it's frame checked. The frame is quite a bit out of place and shows signs of a hidden rear end collision. Estimates for repair of the frame are 18.5 hours at $55 per hour ($1,000.00 +) before taxes. I informed the seller of this and he now states that because I drove the truck home (~170 miles) he is not interested in a refund. I also have communications with the seller where he acknowledges not telling me about the bed damage. I will not drive with my children in this vehicle. This damage would have caused this vehicle to be totalled out had insurance been involved. It appeared this damage was deliberately hidden by some previous owner that did not file anything that would alert carfax. I am federal law enforcement (not the well paid kind), sole provider for my family of five, and in a bad way with this. Any assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
In general... it makes little sense to buy anything of value via eBay. You had one benefit though - you could have rejected the vehicle upon inspection. The problem is that you accepted it. What was the deal on eBay? Was it "as-is"? Were there any representations made? Your best bet right now is to try to dispute this via eBay.

I'm very sympathetic, don't get me wrong. But buying at auction is always a risk. You might be able to dispute the transaction of the seller defrauded you by deliberately misreprenting something which he/she knew you relied upon to make your decision. However, your case is a difficult one and I wish you the best of luck.
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