bounced check

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The police dropped by with a paper saying I had 14 days to pay on 3 bounced checks or be subject to arrest. The paper they gave me actually stated I had 14 days to pay or contact the store and make arrangements to pay. The 14 days is up today. I contacted the store and the business manager said it was fine to pay by the 25th (two weeks from today) when I had a couple of paychecks from my new job. There was no way I could pay within the original 14 days, but the store manager was fine with waiting until I got paid. The police originally said they don't recommend businesses make such arrangements as it "takes it out of their hands". My question is will the police still come and arrest me today, even though I make arrangements with the business and fully intend to pay in the next two weeks?
Q: My question is will the police still come and arrest me today, even though I make arrangements with the business and fully intend to pay in the next two weeks?

A: I don't know. But the cops are right. It is now no longer up to the store owner since he filed a crime report on you.
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