Consumer Law, Warranties Boy was I stupid!!

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I bought a helicopter from a man (well I traded a jet and gave him $15,000). It turns out that he got this from another man and the FAA won't let me register it until he gets a bill of sale from this other man. The other man says he sold the aircraft as parts and will not give him the paperwork.

I am now stuck with a helicopter that can't be registered or flown. The man I got the helicopter from lied about the condition of the aircraft and can't provide me with the proper paperwork to register the helicopter with the FAA. How do I get my money and airplane back and is there a basis for a criminal complaint?

Thank you for your assistance...yes I know I made a stupid decision.
This is not legal Advice!


Surly it makes no difference who bought what for what???
For example: I buy a car as a wrecker for parts, I ask for the paperwork and bill of sale so I can own it legally. I then spend a few hours and some cash on getting it running and decide to sell it. "This then is a totally different transaction from the first and has nothing to do with the previous owner?"

As for your part, it is down to you as a prospective customer to do your homework on whether or not the deal is sound and because you shook his hand and done the deal, you have been more than happy with the transaction at the time. It would be very difficult now to prove that you were jooped in some way because it is after the event and the first owner is not saying the property is not the second owners to sell.

I would however at least contact a local lawyer to see if could make a claim on the original bill so you can at least register the item as it is nothing to do with you what the first guy's deal was and that you were no party to it.

Oh well, it's only an opinion good luck and hopefully it will all work out well.

Take Care

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