Brain-injured illegal immigrant unhappy with conservator

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This issue pertains to a brain-injured person who lives in my apartment complex. He is an illegal immigrant who came to Massachusetts about 30 years ago. He was the victim of a major car accident about 20 years ago which resulted in a large settlement to pay for medical expenses, etc. He was in a coma when the conservator was appointed and when his case was settled.

This person is very unhappy with his conservator and feels funds are being mismanaged. He claims his conservator will not tell him how much money he was awarded or receives annually from his settlement and believes his conservator (a lawyer) is in cahoots with other lawyers and private healthcare providers to wrongfully bill for services. This leaves him with a measly budget after rent is paid.

The question is what course of action he can take to change his conservator? Unfortunately, his family seems uninterested or unable to help him. He also has extreme fear about being deported if he complains to any state authority. Is this a valid concern?

Another question is how can he find out more about his case and settlement? Doesn't he have a legal right to know how much money the settlement was for and how much the lawyers are being paid? Even though he is "incompetent" it seems like some sort of human rights violation that his conservator will not tell him.
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One thing I can guarantee, he is paying a premium for the conservator. He could petition the court to appoint a new conservator.
When you CHOOSE to live n the SHADOWS, there are costs to be paid!
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