Brand Name similar to existing Company


New Member

I have a question and hope someone can help me. Our German brand name is AdEx and AdEx24 respectively. Now we want to appear in the USA under the same Brand name. Could we get problems with the online course platform eDx? The two names sound very similar.

I have a question and hope someone can help me. Our German brand name is AdEx and AdEx24 respectively. Now we want to appear in the USA under the same Brand name. Could we get problems with the online course platform eDx? The two names sound very similar.
I am not able to comment on whether or not you could "get problems", but I will say that "AdEx" and "eDx" don't sound similar to me at all when spoken in English.

I have a question and hope someone can help me. Our German brand name is AdEx and AdEx24 respectively. Now we want to appear in the USA under the same Brand name. Could we get problems with the online course platform eDx? The two names sound very similar.

I suppose you should be consulting with one of your fine German attorneys, perhaps knowledgeable in both German and EU laws.
According to Quincy, it is the OP's company I linked to on the other forum. He even reported me for a commercial link.

If that is the OP's link then he is already trying to hire people in the US.
Could we get problems with the online course platform eDx? The two names sound very similar.

Similarity of names is but one of 7-8 factors that U.S. federal courts consider when evaluating trademark infringement claims. Having no other information besides the name, it is impossible for anyone to begin any sort of intelligent analysis of your situation. Proceeding without conferring with a U.S. attorney who practices trademark law would be exceptionally foolish.

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