breach of contract with roommate

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New Member
My roommate moved out of our apartment without notifying me. I came home from work and just saw her stuff gone - we signed a one year lease and had been fighting A TON before she moved out. We agreed that she would stay until the lease was up (June 2011) and pay her half of the rent since the landlord said we could not sublet.

I changed the locks on the door after she moved out because I was scared - her boss had previously attacked me three days before she moved out. She took a bunch of my items to her boss' house and sent me messages to go get them before 12 on a Wednesday, so I went and got the items which resulted in me being physically attacked (police reports, etc.)

I think the reason she moved out was because her boss attacked me - but I am not sure because she would not communicate. The landlord knew she moved out but I still had to pick up her half of the rent because subletting was not allowed. I was paying $1,648.00 for rent and over $400.00 for the utilities since we always split those.

Can I sue her for breach of contract even though I had the locks changed? I asked the landlord for the locks to be changed and he said yes. The roommate had no items in the apartment and I kept asking her for rent/the keys back but it went unanswered. I also requested that she turn the lease over to me along with her security deposit at the end of the lease and she went behind my back and received her half - since her name was on it she was entitled to half of it even though she had not been paying rent. I didn't know she did that until the landlord called and made me pay a $200.00 fee for the apartment so I could reapply for it.

Do I need a lawyer for this case? I can't afford one. SUCH a frustrating time!
You can take her to small claims and sue to recover your purported losses.

She can countersue about you changing the locks.

If you're smart, you won't blab about changing the locks.

It isn't relevant.

It is doubtful she'll mention the locks.

She took all her crap. She had no need to return to the apartment.

Google "small claims NJ" and/or "eviction NJ back rent".

NJ is a very friendly pro se state and lots of information about this is available on NJ or county websites.
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