Break lease due to spiders, flooding, mold

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New Member
I live in an apartment in Tennessee and am 4 months into a 1 year lease.

The first month was fine, but then we began seeing brown recluse spiders. We had the exterminator spray the premises (complex provided this upon request) and we have also done our own spraying/putting down spider traps/pestiside pellets. None of it has helped...we've had approx 8 recluse in 3 months. We have kept the dead bodies.

Additionally, we had a very heavy downpouring of rain which caused water to backup into our bedroom. It soaked approximately a foot of our carpet but also the wall was wet which casued some patches of mold. We had the maintanance person come over and the only remedy was to offer us a fan to dry the carpet. They also brushed off the debris outside that caused the backup....this didn't help! My husband went outside an put some triangle shaped filters on top of the drain and dug out some of the dirt to help the drainage and it hasn't backed up since. I have video of the rain backing up outside the window as well as photos of the mold, wet carpet and wall. We found out from a neighbor that this apartment flooded during the 2010 historic flood in Nashville and we were never told about it.

Finally, we had water coming in a different window during another storm (have photos). Maintenance also looked at it and said they would have to have a contractor come out to fix it. That was 45 days ago and nothing has happened.

We have dealt with the flood/mold by steam cleaning and bleaching for now but we absolutely cannot deal with the spider issue. My husband is up every night looking around for any recluse that may be cruising around the apartment (they come out at night). We can't get any rest!

I have put maintance requests in for all these items so it's documented plus the video/photos/dead bodies.

We really just want to move and not pay anything to break the lease. So my questions are: What steps should we take to break the lease? What are our options to get out of paying anymore money? Any and all advice is appreciated.
Start with discussing your concerns with the landlord.

As far as breaking the lease without penalty or costs, not gonna happen based on your reporting of the events.

Breaking a lease without penalty is almost impossible.

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