Breaking a lease because of potential danger to child and self.

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New Member
My childs father and i have never been married. We have one child together. We don not live together. We have been involved in Domestic disputes in past, which are documented. Father of my child is suicidal and continues to not cooperate with pick ups and drop offs of child. Has been documented by police report that he would not leave property. Father has sat outside my apt door and refused to leave. Order of protection denied by family justice center, wish to move to new location that is unknown by the father. There is no court ordered child support or custody papers. Can i break lease if concerned about safety of myself and child.
My childs father and i have never been married. We have one child together. We don not live together. We have been involved in Domestic disputes in past, which are documented. Father of my child is suicidal and continues to not cooperate with pick ups and drop offs of child. Has been documented by police report that he would not leave property. Father has sat outside my apt door and refused to leave. Order of protection denied by family justice center, wish to move to new location that is unknown by the father. There is no court ordered child support or custody papers. Can i break lease if concerned about safety of myself and child.

You can ask your landlord.
No, there is no legal way to break a lease in Texas for the reasons you provide.

You can ask your landlord for a negotiated settlement to break the lease.
Some landlords will allow you to break the lease, if you pay a fee.
But, if that is allowed, get it in writing.
Also, make sure that you and the landlord sign it!

Otherwise, you'll just have to wait until the lease expires.

Or, you can go to your local Justice of the Peace and seek an order of protection.
Most JP's that i know, would grant one for less information than you have provided.
Don't give up on the OOP, seek one through your local Justice of the Peace.
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