breaking a lease in ct PLEASE HELP!

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I moved into an apartment earlier this month. A few days I started seeing alot of spiders, enough to consider it an apparent infestation. After 4 days, the problem got worse. Considering this happened on July 4'th weekend there was really no one I could call. I decided to move out, and a couple days later, rented a truck and moved my belongings out to avoid bringing them somewhere else. In addition, I had some issues with people arguing outside my bedroom window.

I called my landlord after the holiday weekend, after I had moved out my belongings, and told her my issues. She offered to move me to the second floor, which I don't believe would have solved all of my problems. I had seen these spiders throughout the building. She offered to call an exterminator, but I had my doubts. I ran into the "exterminator" when I stopped by to vacuum after moving out. He lived in the building, and used chemicals you could buy at any store.

Someone told me about a law that stated you could break any lease agreement within 7 days of signing, but I don't know very much about it. I did send a certified letter stating I would be moving out within the 7 days. The landlord has not returned any of my calls, as I've been trying to work with her to return my keys. She informed me I would have to pay rent until they were able to rent the apartment to someone else. I do agree I should lose my security deposit, as you cannot live anywhere for free.

If anyone has any advice, I would really love to hear it. I'm not sure if I have any rights, as I really did not give the landlord a chance to rectify anything. If I need to pay rent until they rent it out again, I will. I'm concerned they will not try to rent the apartment to anyone else, as they are already getting paid.
Someone told me about a law that stated you could break any lease agreement within 7 days of signing, but I don't know very much about it.

That's because it does not exist.
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