Breaking a PFA

Would using a co-parenting app violate a PFA. Thank You

This is very simple.

A PFA order requires YOU to stay away from another person.

That means YOU are NOT allowed to make, initiate, or have ANY type of contact or interaction with the person PROTECTED by the PFA.

You were told that by the judge issuing the PFA.

Be smart, obey the PFA, or you'll end up another person in residence at a filthy, county jail!!!!

Don't be cute.

Don't be stupid.

Follow the existing PFA.

Your inability to control your violent tendencies caused the PFA to be issued against you.

Obey it, or else!!!

A Protection From Abuse Order (PFA) is a court order issued by a judge that can provide you protective "relief" from someone who is abusing you, for up to three years. An individual who is 18 years of age or more, or teens and children who are accompanied by a parent, an adult household member, or a guardian ad litem, can go to court and ask for a PFA. A PFA can make it illegal for the abuser to contact you or your children.

Protection Orders

What is a Protection From Abuse (PFA) Order?

In Pennsylvania, a PFA order from a court gives protective "relief" for a victim (and sometimes their children) for a period of up to three years (for final orders). A person can file for a PFA order from the court for themselves, or on behalf of their minor children. A PFA describes various types of protections for the victim. For example, a PFA order can make it illegal for the abuser to contact, harass and abuse the victim and the victim's children, it may order the abuser to return personal property. An abusers violation of a PFA may result in criminal charges.

How to Get a Restraining Order - PCADV

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