breaking rental agreement

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New Member
I signed a one year lease, which is up at the end of Aug 2009. I may end up having to have surgery that could put me out of work for a couple months. If I end up having to go on CA state disability, I will not be able to afford where I live. A couple months ago when I started having tests done and my medical bills started piling up, I talked with the apartment manager. I mentioned to her that I may need to move due to medical reasons. She said that I still would be responsible for paying until the end of the lease. I am not sure what to do. My doctors are going to try a less invasvive procedure first (which will put me out of work for a couple of weeks only), but if that doesnt work, I have to have major surgery. This is not an elective procedure, this is something that has to be done. Any thoughts, suggestions, would be very helpful. Thank you.
Have you considered trying to sublet your apartment (i.e., find someone to take over your lease)? What about finding a roommate to help with the rental bills?

Management is correct that a tenant can be held responsible for the rent until the end of the lease (or, if you leave, until management can rerent the unit). It would be better if you could find someone to take over your lease to avoid legal hassles with management down the road.

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