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New Member
I have been working as a mantanice worker for my apartment complex for a year now. Out of no where two days ago the managers told me I had to take a drug test It was one of those at home ones you can buy at any drug store they then said it was possitive for marajaina and told me I could finsh out the months and then the next month I could work 15 hours a week The olny pay me 9.25 an hour I have a family of three and they knew I would have to find a differnt job the next day I talked to a differnt renter that has became the managers new best freind and he said they had been asking him if he wanted to work there for the last couple weeks as they have been telling me that the owners wanted to lay me off because it is slow I know the just found a reason to get me out of here to hire the other guy who does do drugs mind you and no one else in the complex that works there has ever been drug tested I know have to come up with full months rent by the fifth is there anything I can do.
were you notified at any time during your employment or when hired that you may be subjected to drug testing

i guess my question is, did you ever give consent or acknowledge that the employer had a drug testing policy

if it is a company policy and you were notified that you could be tested at any time, then there is nothing you can do

some states require that an employer have a policy in place and that the employee acknowledge that they are subject to testing at any time

if no such policy exists, then you might have slim chance of fighting it, but chances would be slim
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Good luck. Sorry to hear you were fired, but there isn't anything to do.
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