Broken door.

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New Member
Last night I came home and was intoxicated. I thought that my door was locked so I kicked it in. It turned out that that was my neighbors door so I left and went to my place which was unlocked. The cops were called but I was in my place asleep. My landlord called me today and asked me if I knew or heard anything about what happened. My landlord does not know that it was me who kicked in the door. What is the best way for me to handle this situation?
Tell the landlord and offer to pay for repairs before he finds out it was you and throws you out for being dishonest.
I can tell you what the right thing to do is & that is to tell the truth & offer to pay to have it fixed or for a new door as the case may be. If they do find out you did it ("might" be a witness or something.... - never know), you would be in more trouble than if you told the truth originally. I can't in good conscience tell you to do nothing & hope for the best for yourself.
"Last night I came home and was intoxicated. I thought that my door was locked so I kicked it in. It turned out that that was my neighbors door so I left and went to my place which was unlocked. The cops were called but I was in my place asleep. My landlord called me today and asked me if I knew or heard anything about what happened. My landlord does not know that it was me who kicked in the door. What is the best way for me to handle this situation?"

1. Admit you kicked in the door.

2. Offer to pay for the damages.

3. Seek help for your substance abuse issues.

You need to post to a forum to ask what you need to do about this?

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