Broken Foot, Still In Pain

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Back in May of 2007, I fell in a parking lot of a dealership while working. This dealership was not my actual place of employment, but it was one of my stops for advertising. While I was in the parking lot, I'd stumbled on a pothole and while trying to catch my balance, broke my foot.

I saw the doctor a million times, worker's comp of course paid for the visits.
They also paid me a percentage of what I'd normally be making if I were at work, on my time out due to the break.

The last appointment that I had, the doctor told me that everything was healed and looked fine to him, and released me. I told him that there was still pain in the foot and asked him if he was sure. He said yes, that was normal and it would go away.

Flash forward. I'm still in pain. A couple of months ago, I called my worker's comp adjuster and told him about the pain I was having in my foot and how it came and went. Long periods of standing, pain, wearing anything other than comfy shoes, pain, driving, pain, rain, pain..sometimes even when I'd go to sleep at night and then wake up, there would be pain when I would put pressure on the foot.

They agreed to send me to the doctor again. I went for the checkup and he said that from my x-ray you couldn't even tell I'd ever broken it. He treated me as though i was making it all up in my mind. I tried to tell him exactly what I was experiencing, but he wouldn't listen.

Also, before all of this, I got a l letter from the dealership stating that they were not at fault or liable for what happened to me.

Well, that doctor told me that he'd hook me up with a specialist and they would call worker's comp and get the details straightened out. They still have not contacted me about this. I've tried to call my adjuster, but I never get him, and he doesn't call back.

What can I do from here? I've been told be a friend who's in insurance that the company that owned the parking lot where I broke my foot is in fact liable for the situation.

I was wondering if too much time had passed for there to be anything done about this?
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