Broken Glass Injury

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I suffered a minor injury but a painful one and want to know if I have a case. On Fathers Day my wife purchased cologne for me at a local dept. store. As a promotion the store also gave her a set of vintage sports drinking glasses for free. After I opened the gift I attempted to wash the glasses. I did notice they were very light. Within 5 seconds the first glass shattered in my hand with very little pressure. These glasses are junk. I spent the next 4 hours at the emergency room getting 14 stitches. Very ugly sight. My medical bills were approximately $1,300. I contacted the dept. store. They passed the buck to the vendor/manufacturer who passed the buck to his insurance company. My claim was denied because I did not keep any part of the broken glass. I never even thought about picking broken glass out of a sink of bloody dish water. I have the other three glasses. I also have the receipt as well as the medical report. The packaging on the glasses actually say, "Do not machine wash." "Wash by hand." (which I attempted to do). Do I have a case? Should I pursue this in small claims court? What can I expect to achieve? Medical expenses? Pain and suffering?
Take your case to a personal injury attorney so s/he can evaluate it and determine what you can go after. Hope this helps!
Thanks. I'm having trouble getting anyone to take it seriously because the dollar amount isn't worth a personal injury attorney getting involved.
Find a pro-bono attorney. Consult your local bar association for a referral.
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