Broken Hand in State Park

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New Member
While biking in a NYS Park, I came across a trail which was washed out by the rain, it was all gullied out, approx 3 feet deep, when I attempted to stop by bike to avoid this danger, I fell into the gully and broke my hand which is still in a cast. At first I did not consider legal action because its not my nature, but It has been very difficult to work and I have since pulled out by back trying to compensate for my broken hand which has kept me bedridden for the past 2 week although Im starting to be able to walk better now. I went back to the site and they have repaired most of the trail, although not all. There are no warning signs or anyway for someone to know of this hazard. Do I have a case and financially will it be worth it.
You need to seek the advice of a personal injury attorney in your area so s/he can assess the case. Do it as soon as you can since there is a statue of limitations in your state for claims such as yours.
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