Broken window

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New Member

We are family renting a house in Pittsburgh, PA. We've moved at the beginning of the year. The house is very old and apparently has not being maintained over the years. Many doors and window just don't lock. Yesterday I've opened a given window for the first time to let some fresh air come into the bedroom. The window is of that kind that you open sliding it upwards. The window did remain opened and I didn't notice anything wrong with it. A few minutes later the window closed itself and the glass went broken. The reason it closed was that the mechanism for maintaining the window locked is broken (and I noticed that just after all that happen).

My question is:

Is it my responsibility to pay for the broken glass? Or does have the landlord to pay for it?
Yep, unfortunately you will be on the hook for the window repair. After doing so, go around the house and make a list of things that you believe require the landlord's attention for maintenance.
thanks for your replies.

And what happens if I make such list and the landlord does not think that such maintenance is required? What if he thinks that the locking mechanism of the window does not need to be repaired? Is there any guide about what things are supposed to be repaired by the landlord and which not?
If you present him with a list and he fails to make the repairs, then you will have an excellent defense if he tries to bill you for the repairs should something break again in the future.
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