brokers lie to title company

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my husband and i were just married in april of this year and we looked into buying a new place for us and my 2 kids. i went into this mission totally blind as this would be the first time for both of us to buy a home. i found blue sky lenders online, read up on them then picked them. it has been a TOTAL nitemare the whole way. we found a place, offered a price that was accepted thru our realtor and set a close date for june 13, 2008. after this we have signed 5 more "amendments to close date" due to 'just one more needed doc. from buyer' then we're good. then on THE day of closing on july 3 the broker {blue sky lenders}, emailed us that the lender they had found just realized that day that he doesnt lend on manufactured mobile homes,--starting in july--- okay they found another lender that day and we got yet another close date. cool!!!!!! no--- on THAT very closing day we get another email from the lovely blue sky lenders that OOOPS- did we ever survey that property???? they are the ones who require this. there went another 4 days and 500 dollars we would pay. to shorten this up------- we had a FOR SURE close date of yesterday july 26 at 3:30 the broker (blue sky) had called to tell us BUT she said "IF THE TITLE COMPANY ASKS YOU GUYS WHO LIZ RUSSELL IS, (myself), JUST TELL THEM THAT YOU ARE HIS SISTER BUT THEY SHOULDN'T ASK. JUST HAVE LIZ NOT GO TO THE SIGNING" why she did this i dont know. i called the title company and told them the truth and who had lied about it. she had to send the docs. back to the underwriter to add my name to paperwork. then a mortgage company in maryland called me because he was investigating the whole incident. he wasn't sure if we would still be able to get the house. he was talking about how the brokers may be guilty of fraud. would that stop us from getting this house? the broker lied not us. why should we get punished for this? what are the chances we'll lose this opputunity that we';ve been workin on for 1 and a half months? thanks, liz russell san antonio,tx
You aren't being punished, but the mortgage broker sounds like they may have not been truthful to get the financing approved. If the mortgage broker cannot obtain financing for you, you will lose the house. You may consider looking for different source for the mortgage.
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