Hello!! I am very hopefully of getting some questions answered. Thankyou for reading the information below.
To start with, I work for a fortune 500 company. I would like to give you the full background so apology for writing so much..The issue is with our director we shall name him "BOB".
I have been with this company for over 6 yrs now. Bob is the director of our team which has some 20 engineers. At this time 85 % of us are frustrated and 3 of us have been total stressed out which is bullying. We don't care if we get fired by the company, but we would like to go and talk to HR on this issue. We would even like to know if we have any legal grounds on this, we don't intend to make money on this, all we want is to teach Bob a lesson , that we are no shit.
- Our team is the most un-professional team ever worked. Even though we have
very good and highly technical people in our team we miss a good leader ,
we don't need a politician , we need a good leader whom we can be proud of.
- Very polluted with lots of politics from the top to down. he would question about
how my manager is and how is he doing ? That should not be the right practise
if I have an issue I would go to him for an answer
- The team is run by Bob as his own team and sets up rules and regulations
as per his convenience.
eg : He used to work from home every monday, when employees started also doing that
once a week he started questioning why ?. and he set up a stupid rule of getting to work
by 9:30 and leave after 6 pm, we generally get calls late evenings and wkds for support
and in the last 6 yrs I have never followed hours, being an IT company the whole IT
is work driven. He got very agitated when we asked to put this in writing about the 9:30
to 6 pm policy.
- Moral of the whole team is very low. People work for the scare of him and very
disrespectful to his team.
- I know if HR would send in an anonymous survey many would come up and write. But in
a team of 20 we 3 employees would like to talk to HR on this.
- He is never helpful , resourceful, caring etc as a leader should be.
He has grown suppressing his team and now we cannot take this any more
- There is no project planning, road map no professionalism.
- He thinks this team is his employees and not the companies. He thinks that cause he has
grown the team to this level he can do anything.
- He avoids putting things in writing. And always demands in meetings and discussions.
- Managers have no say in anything. Everything has to come from him. Which is why
we know discussing or asking the manager is going to make no sense as they have no
authority for anything.
- We love this company, but we hate our leader.
- His attitude now has become - if you wanna stay you stay or else leave.
- At the end of the day, this is very stressful for us which ultimately reflects on our family.
His abuse , bulling is taking a toll on us over the long run.
This list will keep going. We are not even sure if do have a stand on this. But we are totally stressed out. And we need a conclusion to this. We have decided to talk to the VP of HR next week. I would like your suggestions, concerns and advice in the matter. Should we talk to HR ? or should we just leave the company and forget it - which is what we don't want. If we leave he gets more stronger, there has to be some one to give him a jolt so he can atleast think not to under-estimate his team members and not to treat them like shit.
Thankyou very much for reading this. Any advice would be highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards

To start with, I work for a fortune 500 company. I would like to give you the full background so apology for writing so much..The issue is with our director we shall name him "BOB".
I have been with this company for over 6 yrs now. Bob is the director of our team which has some 20 engineers. At this time 85 % of us are frustrated and 3 of us have been total stressed out which is bullying. We don't care if we get fired by the company, but we would like to go and talk to HR on this issue. We would even like to know if we have any legal grounds on this, we don't intend to make money on this, all we want is to teach Bob a lesson , that we are no shit.
- Our team is the most un-professional team ever worked. Even though we have
very good and highly technical people in our team we miss a good leader ,
we don't need a politician , we need a good leader whom we can be proud of.
- Very polluted with lots of politics from the top to down. he would question about
how my manager is and how is he doing ? That should not be the right practise
if I have an issue I would go to him for an answer
- The team is run by Bob as his own team and sets up rules and regulations
as per his convenience.
eg : He used to work from home every monday, when employees started also doing that
once a week he started questioning why ?. and he set up a stupid rule of getting to work
by 9:30 and leave after 6 pm, we generally get calls late evenings and wkds for support
and in the last 6 yrs I have never followed hours, being an IT company the whole IT
is work driven. He got very agitated when we asked to put this in writing about the 9:30
to 6 pm policy.
- Moral of the whole team is very low. People work for the scare of him and very
disrespectful to his team.
- I know if HR would send in an anonymous survey many would come up and write. But in
a team of 20 we 3 employees would like to talk to HR on this.
- He is never helpful , resourceful, caring etc as a leader should be.
He has grown suppressing his team and now we cannot take this any more
- There is no project planning, road map no professionalism.
- He thinks this team is his employees and not the companies. He thinks that cause he has
grown the team to this level he can do anything.
- He avoids putting things in writing. And always demands in meetings and discussions.
- Managers have no say in anything. Everything has to come from him. Which is why
we know discussing or asking the manager is going to make no sense as they have no
authority for anything.
- We love this company, but we hate our leader.
- His attitude now has become - if you wanna stay you stay or else leave.
- At the end of the day, this is very stressful for us which ultimately reflects on our family.
His abuse , bulling is taking a toll on us over the long run.
This list will keep going. We are not even sure if do have a stand on this. But we are totally stressed out. And we need a conclusion to this. We have decided to talk to the VP of HR next week. I would like your suggestions, concerns and advice in the matter. Should we talk to HR ? or should we just leave the company and forget it - which is what we don't want. If we leave he gets more stronger, there has to be some one to give him a jolt so he can atleast think not to under-estimate his team members and not to treat them like shit.
Thankyou very much for reading this. Any advice would be highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards