Bumper "tap" at stoplight.

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I was involved in a small auto incedent yesterday afternoon. I was approaching a 4 way stop, when the person in front of me slammed on her breaks. I bearly tapped her car at no more than 2-3 mph. There was no damage to her car, other than an obvious old bumper scratch no bigger than 1/4 inch in diameter. She said everything was ok. I gave her my business card and DL number. She left me a message about 5 hours later and stated she got an estimate and I did $300 worth of damage, and asked me if I would like to give her cash or let insurance take care of it. I believe this is blantant insurance fraud/extortion. I'm sure I did no damage to her car. There was no police report filed, and no insurance info exchanged. How should I proceed?

Thanks in advance for any advice!!!
Ask her to provide a copy of the estimate. I actually would not be too surprised if the estimate did say $300. Body work can be very expensive. Look over the estimate and see if she is trying to slip anything else in or if it is just for the bumper. Probably painting at the very least. Does not sound as if there should be any need for part replacement.
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