Bus accident

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New Member
I was on a city bus and another city bus from the same company hit the back of the bus I was on. I was sitting in the back of the bus so I took a direct hit to the lower back. The windshield was blown out of the bus that hit us and anti-freeze was coming from the bus. I was jerked forward on the bus and had to go to a chiro with lower back injuries for 6 weeks. My lawyer (who I suspect is working for the insurance company) is settling for 2x medical bills, is this a low amount from the magnitude of the hit?

My lawyer was always telling me that a jury wouldn't find my case valid and I might leave with nothing, that the insurance adjuster is a tough guy, that it will cost me a lot of money to take it to court, etc. I feel like he is trying to intimidate me, but am I paranoid or is there something more to this? If you were injured, would this sound like a good deal to you after getting hurt by the bus company?
You can get a second opinion from a different lawyer. Some personal injury lawyers take cases on contingency and you pay only if they win. 2x the medical bills is okay if you don't expect to have fiurther medical problems; but usually once you settle you are screwed if any further medical problems develop because usually you are required to sign a waiver of further liability towards the city.
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