Bus Driver wants fries...

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Yesterday I was running to catch the bus and when I got to it I repeatedly thanked the driver for waiting for me, but as I started talking the driver started up "Can I get some fries with that shake, can I get a double double with that shake...We'll see how thankful you are, we'll see just how thankful you are" Note: I was terrified to get off the bus last. I don't know what to do. I have already made a complaint and they caught the whole incident on tape. Should I take any legal action?

---Mrs. Frost
"The particular facts of each situation determine whether offensive conduct has 'crossed the line' from simply boorish or childish behavior to unlawful gender discrimination." My husband is about to blow his lid, and to be honest I don't think I want to ride the bus alone again. I felt so horrible and scared.

I just feel that there should be some kind of justice. I have never felt so disgusted with myself
You reported the driver and filed a complaint. You can fillow up to see whether discplinary action was taken.

Let me ask you this on a hunch... Are you looking to get money from the bus company?
I feel really crappy and greedy but yea. I hate that it happened, and I really don't think I'm deserving of it, but if its an option I don't think I want to pass it up. I have my own story just like the rest of us and I'm sure I'm not the only person who might see this as an interesting situation
The answer is "Yes, you have grounds to sue the driver and the bus company." My guess is that you can do this by finding a good lawyer willing to take your case and paying a retainer of a few thousand dollars which should also pay for the costs of filing the case and serving a summons. This should be able to get your action started.
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