Buyer in breach of Contract

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Our buyer in the UK was due to complete on the 28th of February having agreed the completeion date after exchanging contracts two weeks previously. We are now 5 working days overdue and our solicitor has issued a notification of breach(?) giving the buyer 10 days to complete whereafter we have the option after the 10 days of pulling out and taking the deposit - Or taking a claim for the deposit to court..

We exchanged without a deposit and have been advised that we will receive 4% on the selling price per day he is in breach..

Can anyone tell us what this 4% is based on? How much money can we expect? What are our solicitors obligations now, as they appear to be doing very little at the moment and seem to be content to sit back and wait to see what happens while we frantically try to rectify the situation!

We have incurred costs as we hired a removal van for the date of supposed completion - as well as cancelling various Direct Debits and standing orders which have to now be re-applied until the new move date - Can we claim any of these costs?

We are very confused over the whole issue and our solicitors are being less than forthcoming with information - This entire episode is causing us masses of grief at the moment!

Hope somebody can help!

Alex May.
Fire that bunch and get better lawyers.
Can you tell me what their obligations to us are in this sitution?

The only thing I know about British law is what I read in the Rumpole books.

But I'd say your solicitors are doing a lousy job.
I would thouroughly agree!

I am wondering though - In regards to how useless the solicitors are being - is there any way to claim negligence?
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