buying girlfriend out of house...time frame???

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my signifigant other is currently living with his ex-fiance in a house that they purchased together. They are both on the deed and loan as well. She does not want the house, and he has aggreed to buy her out so that he may keep the home. The problem is that she has yet to move out after 4 months that the decision to split was made. Is there anyway to speed her up legally? I am assuming that once the mortgage is transferred into his name, she becomes more of a "tennant" there, and would be subject to eviction. Perhaps there could be some sort of contract drawn up between them naming a date that she must be out?
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She is part owner of the house.

Until she deeds her interest to your boyfriend and your boyfriend refinances the mortgage, she is legally there.
That is what I figured, as far as the deed and what have you. I guess what I am really asking is after that part is long can she remain in the house?
Q: I guess what I am really asking is after that part is long can she remain in the house?

A: However long she and the other owner decide.
but if she has signed over the deed, and he has refinanced the mortgage solely in his name....she cant stay there forever, until she decides its time to leave...can she? Can she be legally forced to move when she no longer holds a claim on the house?
but if she has signed over the deed, and he has refinanced the mortgage solely in his name....she cant stay there forever, until she decides its time to leave...can she? Can she be legally forced to move when she no longer holds a claim on the house?

I already answered those questions.
thank you for your time. i apologize for the above confusion, was due to not reading your reply fully.
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