Buying motorcycle from private party gone wrong


New Member
Found a motorcycle I wanted was slightly out of my budget the gentleman agreed to let me pay it out. Made a down payment of $2,000 and agreed to come back to pay the remaining balance. During the following week I was injured at work broke two ribs punctured a lung and severe head trauma and was unable to pay the remaining amount at the agreed time, did go and make another payment of $500 they were fine no problems. We both agreed to keep in touch with each other and let them know what was going on as I was recuperating. When I went to make another payment I was told that I needed to go pick up my payment he had already sold the motorcycle because he could not reach me. Although have proof of my phone number being on every receipt prior. I was disappointed but I agreed to go pick my money back up when I got there literally within half hour of making that final payment I was only given that payment back. When I asked about the remaining $2,500 is he said that he had already spent the money did not have it but he would talk about it tomorrow. Leaving agreed to come back next day and talk to the gentleman who said he would have to make payments he didn't have the money to give me back. Not knowing any of my rides I felt I had no choice I would like two weeks later in which he only paid me $200 yes. Again disappointed but not knowing what to do agreed to come back in the following 2 weeks where a message was relayed through his father that he didn't have it right now I would talk to me later. Is there anything I can do to get my money back? I will also include that there was no contract written it was all verbal agreement but I have the receipts of payments made with both our signatures as well as my information in case of him needing to reach me.
You'll have to sue him for your money back. If you get a judgment all you will have is a piece of paper saying he owes you. Whether or not you will ever collect is impossible to predict but most people who get into deals like this never do collect.

The lesson from the school of hard knocks:

If you want to buy something, come up with ALL the cash, carefully check the title, and take delivery when you pay.
Both of you have some fault here.
If you go to small claims you will likely get a judgement based on what you've said here.
You'll need to find if he has any assets and place a lien on them. It's the best way to make sure you eventually get paid, but it could take some time.
Judge Judy
Judge Mathis
People's Court

ALL will pay the winner and loser, free 1st class R/T airfare, clothing allowance, free meals, pocket money, free hotel, free limo from hotel to show, appearance fee for your TV performance, and 15 minutes of celebrity.

Win or lose, you will soon be rich and famous.
ALL will pay the winner and loser, free 1st class R/T airfare, clothing allowance, free meals, pocket money, free hotel, free limo from hotel to show, appearance fee for your TV performance, and 15 minutes of celebrity.

I never knew there was that much in it for a participant.

I gotta go sue somebody.

Hmm. Maybe my friend and I can cook up a dispute that would qualify.
Maybe my friend and I can cook up a dispute that would qualify.

That's been done.
People get away with it.
Some litigants get three, even five days while they film future shows.
Maury has allowed some guests to take a two week vacay on his dime.

I've seen cases I know the two cooked up just to get some gravy and TV fame.
I see more of those on Maury.
The repeat paternity and polygraph stories also seem to be in it for the TV appearances.
I once had some drama with an ex-girlfriend who went psycho.
I got a phone call from the producers of Judge Joe Brown. I declined to participate. I had no desire to air dirty laundry and put a spotlight on her kookiness.
I've always wondered how they got the information. They have spies in the courthouses I guess.
Both of you have some fault here.
If you go to small claims you will likely get a judgement based on what you've said here.
You'll need to find if he has any assets and place a lien on them. It's the best way to make sure you eventually get paid, but it could take some time.
Okay so that sounds like around I would be willing to take how would I begin to start do I get a lawyer do I go to the justice of the peace for how I'm sorry I really have no idea where to begin
Visit the small claims court in your county. You will find a lot of helpful information to guide you through the small claims process.
You may also find this information online if you visit the website for your local courts.

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