C Visa c1/d visa applicant with a disposed case

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Hi , i m a former j1 visa holder and i have applied us embassy in istanbul for a c1/d visa to work on cruise ships and was said there was no limitation on applying for a different visa status by the consular officers.
my question is, i have been subject to administrative processing with all 10 fingerprints and i have a misdemeanor case back in the u.s which is disposed upon completion of anger management, that i have completed succesfully.
i have the court document saying the case is disposed, do you think that will be a problem for the issuance of my visa?

and another question is, is my name included in the crime database even though my case is disposed and why do they take all 10 fingerprints. do people who have committed serious criminal activities have their 10 fingers printed?(i.e. homicide, drugs or any serious illegal activity)
i ll be hapy if i get a reply at your earliest convenience as i fel very stressed about the situation.
god bless u all
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