CA 101 in a 65

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New Member
I was cited for 101 in a 65 in Mojave CA. I hired a lawyer who held my arrainment yesterday afternoon. Today, he told me the judge gave me two options.
One: plea to the 2-point violation and pay $438 fine
Two: take it to court. My lawyer told me he would talk to the officer and ask if he would be willing to reduce the speed 1mph. If the officer was willing, the judge would fine me $820 but reduce it to a 1pt violation. Basically, I have a week to decide if I want to take this to court.
I am at a loss at how to proceed. How bad is it to have a 2point violation on your record, for one, and how long does it stay on your record? How long does it affect your insurance.
If it doesn't affect my insurance for very long, then I would be inclined to take the plea and the drastically reduced fine. But if it stays on my record for an extended period and is going to throw my insurance into the stratosphere, then maybe it's a better idea to pay the higher fine now to save myself insurance money in the long run.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You have paid for professional advice from an attorney. Ask him to adivse you since he is the one most familar with the case.
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