Calif. - suspension of Handicap parking ticket by CVC

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My question involves a Handicap parking citation from the state of: California
Received a Handicap parking ticket because we forgot to hang the placard on rear view mirror. I note that California Vehicle Code Section 42001.13 "Imposition of Fine Unlawful Parking in Disabled Space" subsection (c) states: The court may suspend the imposition of the fine if the person convicted possessed at the time of the offense, but failed to display, a valid special identification license plate issued pursuant to Section 5007 or a distinguishing placard issued pursuant to Section 22511.55 or 22511.59.

Is anyone here familiar enough with the California courts and judges to know of requesting a suspension under this section of the vehicle code? I am concerned about the word 'may' in the code and what other factors a judge may consider here. Our only excuse is 'we forgot.'

This will be heard in the City of Manhattan Beach, if that makes any difference.
(1) Why didn't the car have a special license plate? Were you using a different car? Do you just not have one?

(2) The word "may" means that the court can suspend the fine. Question - why didn't you have the card on the windshield? Where was it? Why wasn't it in the car and where it would be expected to stay? If you want to convince the judge that there's good reason for this error to be excused, you better have one.

I don't know what they will do but cities love fines. Perhaps they will reduce the amount. Perhaps they will dismiss the ticket. There are many people here from California. Hopefully they don't have too many parking tickets but may have an insight into what goes on at your department of motor vehicles. In New York City, my impression is that they will usually just dismiss it unless you really have a poor excuse. But our City is broke and they are needing money these days so can't be too sure.... good luck.
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