I currently have joint custody of my daughter. Her mother wants to move out of state and give me full custody of the child while she attends school for the next ~3 years. I plan to have this written into a court order to state that I will have sole physical and legal custody of the child. My worry is that she wont want to give up her rights to the child and will try to have me sign a "Notorized Contract." I feel this way because she seems to be under the impression that I can be granted sole custody temporarily. Would a notorized contract supercede a court order? If the contract was to state that I am the primary parent for the child for the next some-odd years. I highly doubt this and I feel that the only sure-fire way to make this completely legal would be to have it in the form of a court order. I just want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. Any advice would be very helpful. I really do want my daughter to be in my full custody. I wouldnt deny her mother the right to see her and talk to her, but it seems silly for her to still be the custodial parent on paper when the child is living with me full time and she is 3,000 miles away. This has not happened yet, but is anticipated to happen in the very near future. If you need me to elaborate on anything, just let me know. This is just a very confusing situation to me. Thank you.