can a biological parent regain custody from the adoptive parents

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My Mother is the guardian for my children and the family court is asking for adoption. Can my mother legally give my children back to me after the adoption is final .
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My Mother is the guardian for my children and the family court is asking for adoption. Can my mother legally give my children back to me after the adoption is final .

That ploy isn't very smart. I suppose she could allow the children to have contact with you. But, children aren't chattel. Children can't be traded, swapped, or given away like puppies or kittens.

I suggest you be smart. If you go through with your idea, you're making big trouble for yourself and your mother.
No, she can't just give then back to you to raise if that is what you mean after they have been legally adopted by her through the court system. That would not be a good idea.
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