Can a buying / selling contract have no end date ?

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Long story cut short ...hopefully.
Mum lives in the middle of a row of terraced houses. Developing company wants to knock them all down and build a retail park access road through where these houses stand.
Developing company gives all home owners (inc mum)£1000 per 3 year period for the right to buy their home at market value.
Mums case is slightly different as she doesnt own her home. she's rented it for about 35 years.
The developing company gave mum £25000 to buy the house from the original landlord. (this is an old house!)
If the development plans were accepted they would give mum £95000 to leave the house and buy something else. If the plans were rejected, mum would be able to pay back the £25000 and own the house.

Now, 10years on and the plans have been rejected 3 times. The developing company have given up.
Mum has asked to pay back the £25000, but they have refused to accept it.
They say that there was no date on the contract and that they dont have to sell it back.
Mum is in limbo as she doesnt want to spend £££'s on the house as she doesnt own it. The house is falling into dis-repair. She cant afford to buy anything else and cant get a mortgage at 64yrs.

Has the original solicitor been negligent in not putting an end date on the contract ?

Can she goto court based on the fact that it was an unfair contract because it had no end date ?

Thanks for your advice.
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