Can a company withold a check if the employee is fired for embezzlement

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I work for a company that recently fired an employee for embezzlement. A police report was filed and they are planning to arrest her within the next two weeks after they have finished their investigation. I know the law says that a paycheck must be sent within the same time frame that she was due to have a paycheck. Is there any way for the company to recoup the cost of hte items she stole without going to civil court?? Can the company I work for withhold the paycheck because she committed a crime?
I doubt it. If ther has been no judgement against this person then technically I would say they are only "suspected" of embezzlement. I do not know but they may be ordered to pay as restitution out of the criminal trial if there is one.
What if this employee who embezzled the money showed up at the store to work but didn't actually do any work. Instead she spent all her time surfing the internet on myspace. Additionally on her myspace website she admitted that she stole within the last month and she's a shoplifter. Is there any grounds for docking her pay for the hours that she did not work?
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