Can a fathers girlfriend sign as "parent" or "mother"

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New Member
I have joint legal and physical custody of my son. I have recently discovered that his father has been in contemp of our custody agreement for quite some time. I've done some research and in doing so, have found that his girlfriend signed as "mother" and also as "parent/guardian". I know that this doesn't fall under contempt of our agreement, but I know that it is illigal somehow. I've been looking up laws about this and can't seem to find anything. Does anyone have any information that may be helpful?
The context of what? The fact that she is signing under penalty and purgery that she is my son's mother? Or the fact that she is nowhere listed in our custody agreement as any type of parent or guardian? However, to answer your question, she has signed as mother at his doctor, and as parent/guardian at his school.
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The context of what? The fact that she is signing under penalty and purgery that she is my son's mother? Or the fact that she is nowhere listed in our custody agreement as any type of parent or guardian? However, to answer your question, she has signed as mother at his doctor, and as parent/guardian at his school.

If she is married to the child's father, she does have some parental rights vested to her through marriage.

If the two are cohabitating (as husband and wife), she might be using the term mother as a way to ensure the child receives medical care and does well in school.

Why does this worry you, if she's not harming the child?
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Right, I understand that. But as I stated, this is his girlfriend; someone who, lawfully, just resides in his home. NOT the childs mother. I know that to even be a guardian, there is a legal process that needs to be done. This has NOT been done.
Right, I understand that. But as I stated, this is his girlfriend; someone who, lawfully, just resides in his home. NOT the childs mother. I know that to even be a guardian, there is a legal process that needs to be done. This has NOT been done.

What remedy are you seeking?
What damages have you incurred?

If anything, she may have violated the criminal law. That, however, is highly unlikely. Why? She didn't sign or attest to anything under oath. Hence, whatever might be, it sure ain't perjury!!!!
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