Can a landlord arbitrarily change heating from oil to electric?

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New Member
Here's the deal: My wife and I have lived in our apartment (the top half of a house) for 6 years now. Rent has never been even a day late. We are neat, clean, quiet and helpful with things around the house. Oil heat is included in our lease. Our bathroom originally had no fan so there were times we'd open the window briefly to let the steam out during or after taking a shower. Our landlord accused us of leaving the window open all night and day in the dead of winter, which we of course did not do. Even if we did, the thermostat is in the hallway and with the bathroom door closed, how would the thermostat know if the window was open or not? Anyway, a year ago the landlord installed electric heat in our apartment which we are now responsible for paying. Our electric bill has obviously gone through the roof. He didn't listen to reason and accept that we only opened the window briefly and since he installed the fan we have never opened it. Even after telling him that and trying to prove that we no longer opened the window at all he still went ahead and installed the electric heating.

So, my question is: can a landlord just decide to switch over the method of heating and put the responsibility on us? The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that he believes we left the window open all the time. How would he even know unless he was spying on us?

Btw, this is all in addition to the fact that there is only one AC unit in the apartment so our electric bill is high in the summer as well due to the fact that we have to keep it running continuously to try and keep the place cool.
Here's the deal: My wife and I have lived in our apartment (the top half of a house) for 6 years now. Rent has never been even a day late. We are neat, clean, quiet and helpful with things around the house. Oil heat is included in our lease. Our bathroom originally had no fan so there were times we'd open the window briefly to let the steam out during or after taking a shower. Our landlord accused us of leaving the window open all night and day in the dead of winter, which we of course did not do. Even if we did, the thermostat is in the hallway and with the bathroom door closed, how would the thermostat know if the window was open or not? Anyway, a year ago the landlord installed electric heat in our apartment which we are now responsible for paying. Our electric bill has obviously gone through the roof. He didn't listen to reason and accept that we only opened the window briefly and since he installed the fan we have never opened it. Even after telling him that and trying to prove that we no longer opened the window at all he still went ahead and installed the electric heating.

So, my question is: can a landlord just decide to switch over the method of heating and put the responsibility on us? The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that he believes we left the window open all the time. How would he even know unless he was spying on us?

Btw, this is all in addition to the fact that there is only one AC unit in the apartment so our electric bill is high in the summer as well due to the fact that we have to keep it running continuously to try and keep the place cool.

Yes, your landlord can change his furnace from oil based to electric to gas, and back to oil again!

The landlord owns teh property.

As the owner, the landlord doesn't require the tenant's permission to improve or change the property.

You can become a landlord and install oil heat.

Or, you can move, when your lease expires; if electric heat disagrees with you.

Heck, you can move today, if you're so inclined.

it could cost you a pretty penny, but you're free to move anytime your fancy moves you!

Otherwise, the electric bill is your responsibility.
Yea the landlord only has to provide you some way to get heat. It doesnt matter what when how since its his/her house.
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