Can a landlord charge me for

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New Member
My landlord and I are not on the best of terms due to the fact she hates I complain about things in my complex, nothing petty major issues.

I dont have a pet however a friend who comes over has a dog,and she was mad he brought her over once before. He came over today to see another friend in my complex same building, and she thought he was there to see me. and told me i need to pay 100 fine. I called her asked if she saw him come out of my apt or saw go in. She said no,she said maint saw him leaving. I told her i wasnt even home, and I am sure he knows others in my complex.

my lease says no unauth pets allowed on property at anytimes without mgr apporval.

My friend has been here in the past with them, she is aware of that never said a word.then i made a complaint about breakins,mold etc now i am on her hit list. my friend did come on property to see someone, but wasnt me, she assumed it was me said she knew he was there to see me i told her he wasnt, i wasnt even home at the time either.

2wks ago she tried to tell me i had to vacate because she said i passed out a flyer on property that complained about issues, left her a vulgar letter at office, and a nasty voice mail...I DIDNT...And confronted her said she was harrassing me now
A landlord cannot simply come up with an arbitrary fee for such things.

However, since your lease does specify no unauthorized pets without managements approval, it is important that your friend not bring his dog to your residence. It is possible that the landlord could begin the process of eviction due to you breaking this requirement in your lease.

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