Can a landlord force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their vehicle?


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Can a landlord legally force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their personal vehicle?

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Can a landlord legally force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their personal vehicle?

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If life teaches us all but ONE lesson, that lesson might be "DON'T WEAR YOUR HEART ON YOUR SLEEVE!"
The only thing he can do is not renew the lease right? My son took the sticker off but I think he acted hastily

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Can a landlord legally force a tenant to remove a bumper sticker from their personal vehicle?


But in Utah a landlord can terminate your tenancy for any reason with at least 15 days notice to the end of a rental period if you don't have a lease and if you have a lease can simply decline to renew it.

So, you're right, with a lease all the LL can do is decline to renew.

However, it's not nice to annoy a landlord because there may be things you would like him to do or accommodations that you would like him to make that he has no obligation to do or make.

If the LL has some reason to find your bumper sticker objectionable your son was smart to remove it.
We want to find a house soon so maybe this will give us the kick in the pants that we need.

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We want to find a house soon so maybe this will give us the kick in the pants that we need.

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Good luck, and that's the attitude I'd take, too.
If I'm unwanted, I move on to where I feel welcomed.
I never liked it, but it was a large windshield sticker and it said "No F***s Given" I know he has a weird sense of humor! I hated driving with him.

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I never liked it, but it was a large windshield sticker and it said "No F***s Given"

I get it. But, apparently, your son doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Had he actually believed that philosophy he would have left it on. Looks like he gave a F*** after all. At least enough of one to take it off. Makes him a little foolish in my book.
If he only had himself to think about, I believe he would have left it on. He can move himself at the drop of a hat but he knows it's not so easy for both of us.

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