can a manager sue an employee?

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I am a manager dealing with an employee who has filed repeated EEOC suits that are unsubstantiated. What's more, she never contacts me or anyone else within the company, despite efforts to show her how open we are. The latest issue was that she is a part time employee who was allowed to work whatever hours she wanted, until I realized it. As soon as I realized what was happening, she was told that she could only work part time hours and the set schedule she was hired for. She never said anything about it, but now has filed a suit claiming retribution because she's not being allowed to work as many hours as she wants. She never told me it was a hardship and never called me, my boss or anyone else. There is a full time position open at the facility that she could take. She is defaming my character, harassing me and causing me undue stress affecting my work and personal life with her accusations. She told a supervisor who works for me that these things will keep going for a long time - isn't that a threat? When does a Manager get to be an employee and counter sue? Can I file a civil suit against her? Would I have to leave to do so? I guess she belongs to some free legal group that looks for places to file law suits. Her husband does the same to his employer. Any guidance would be appreciated. I hate to have leave because of her because then she gets to win.
Q: Can I file a civil suit against her? Would I have to leave to do so?

A: Yes and hire a lawyer.
Re:Manager sue employee

You must seek an employment lawyer so that your legal rights may be approximated... harassment indeed.
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