Can action in this matter ever be brought against me again?


New Member
New York
I was recently made aware of a 10 1/2 year old default judgment that had been docketed against me (never filed with court clerk). I successfully had it vacated but was ordered to answer the original complaint which dated back to 2007. After answer, I requested discovery from the law firm (collection agency) handling the case now, which is different from the firm that was handling the case in 2007 on behalf of the Judgment creditor. I received instead a stipulation discontinuing action with prejudice. Can I be sued again for this matter by this firm or any other firm that may purchase this time barred and stale debt?
Can you be sued? Yes. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. I could prepare a complaint today and send it down to the court house for filing and'd have been sued.

But I doubt that's really what you intended to ask.

With the prior lawsuit having been dismissed with prejudice, and with the statute of limitations having long since expired, you'd have a complete defense to any new lawsuit that might be filed.
Can you be sued? Yes. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. I could prepare a complaint today and send it down to the court house for filing and'd have been sued.

But I doubt that's really what you intended to ask.

With the prior lawsuit having been dismissed with prejudice, and with the statute of limitations having long since expired, you'd have a complete defense to any new lawsuit that might be filed.
Thank you for reading between the lines and for the on point response.

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