can an employer fire you when you are on medical leave

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Where do i start . I was recently was working for this place that everything is all twisted up by other employees. On a Friday i had ended up in the Dr's office. I had called into work about 2-3 hrs in advanced and told them that i wasn't feeling well. I forgot to get a Dr's excuse. I probably could get one if i need it though. I had 3 days off. Witch would of been Sat, Sun, and Mon. Tuesday i ended up back in the hospital for my breathing and had to get more medical treatment done. They gave me an excuse. I was supposed to go back to the Dr's office the next day if nothing was better. Due to the really humid weather and it being so hot my asthma was not able to take it. I have 2 jobs. One of my employers have the air conditioning on and i don't have any problems. And the other usually doesn't have the air conditioning on so it gets really muggy and it makes it hard for me to breath. My doctor gave me a excuse for the one job that wont put the air on just yet because she felt it would be harmful to my health. While i was on medical leave there was somebody that had called there to verify employment and they said they were not sure if i was employed there or not. Then the day before I'm supposed to return back to work they called me at my other job about 4-5 times telling me that i needed to come in. I called the lady that is in charge and she told me that if i can work one job i can do both. No matter if i had a doctors accuse or not. Then she persisted to tell me that she knows that Ive been working every day at my other job. And that i lied to her and that i no longer had a job there. Can she do that ? Can she fire me for no reason ? Doesn't this fall under the FMLA Law. I need some advice please help.
How long have you worked for this employer?

Have you worked at least 1,250 hours for this employer in the last 12 months?

How many employees does the employer have within 75 miles of your location?

Being on medical leave is not a get-out-of-jail free card. Even being on FMLA is not a get-out-of-jail-free card.

We don't know yet if FMLA even applies, but a doctor's excuse have no force in law outside of FMLA. Nor do I see that you provided one; you specifically said that you forgot to get one, so even if FMLA does apply, how was the employer supposed to know?
Ive worked there for about 1 1/2 years total. Yes i have probably doubled 1250 hrs in a year. They have 3 facilities and about 40 workers total. the one day that i missed i forgot to get a doctors excuse for but the rest off them i had one for. I wasnt looking for a free ride just now they are making excuses to not give me unemployment.
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