Can anyone help?

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I am in a precarious position at present.I am a resident in Nebraska,and reside in a home that I "bought" through my mother under her name.I have lived here with my wife and family for 12+ years and have made all the house payments and taxes,along with the insurance premiums also.There has never been a written agreement between my mother and myself.
Now that the background has been taken care of,at the present time,my mother and myself are not on speaking terms due to the new "boyfriend" she is seeing.I did not,and still do not,think that this disagreement would legally give her the right to oust me from my home.However,she has retained an attorney that tells her that we are under a "month-to-month" verbal lease agreement.She has also told me that I have until april 1st to get out or get a loan in my name.(With our current bankruptcy situation,that is all but out) My question is this,is this scare tactic she is using legal?And how can this be a "month-to-month" verbal lease when she knows,as well as my wife does and I,that there was no "lease" intended? Can she actually get away with putting me and my wife and children out on the street? Is there any action I can take to prevent this from happening?
I honestly believe all this is because I won't give her new "boyfriend" the time of day,because in my opinion,he is simply a leech looking for an easy mark. Anyone with some advise,hopefully an attorney,that can help would be greatly appreciated.Not to mention I would be forever indebted for helping me save my own personal little "castle".
Thanks in advance.
To begin, what was the agreement between you and your mother? If it was that you would pay the mortgage in return for the right to live there then you may well be considered a month to month tenant who could be ousted. Do you think that because you paid the mortgage that would give you rights of ownership? If so, perhaps you should think of those payments more as convenience to the mortgage company rather than paying Mom who in return would write a separate check to the bank.

Originally posted by ChewyChewy
I am in a precarious position at present.I am a resident in Nebraska,and reside in a home that I "bought" through my mother under her name.I have lived here with my wife and family for 12+ years and have made all the house payments and taxes,along with the insurance premiums also.There has never been a written agreement between my mother and myself.
Now that the background has been taken care of,at the present time,my mother and myself are not on speaking terms due to the new "boyfriend" she is seeing.I did not,and still do not,think that this disagreement would legally give her the right to oust me from my home.However,she has retained an attorney that tells her that we are under a "month-to-month" verbal lease agreement.She has also told me that I have until april 1st to get out or get a loan in my name.(With our current bankruptcy situation,that is all but out) My question is this,is this scare tactic she is using legal?And how can this be a "month-to-month" verbal lease when she knows,as well as my wife does and I,that there was no "lease" intended? Can she actually get away with putting me and my wife and children out on the street? Is there any action I can take to prevent this from happening?
I honestly believe all this is because I won't give her new "boyfriend" the time of day,because in my opinion,he is simply a leech looking for an easy mark. Anyone with some advise,hopefully an attorney,that can help would be greatly appreciated.Not to mention I would be forever indebted for helping me save my own personal little "castle".
Thanks in advance.
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