Can anything be done?

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Joe was shopping and as he was proceeding to check out, John and Jane offered to make a deal with Joe in exchanging store discounts. All agreed. Jane purchased items for Joe using her discount. John rang up the transaction. A couple weeks later loss prevention had received a tip about this and further investigated. Jane was terminated for violating policy and procedure, but John still works there. Shouldn't John be terminated too since he performed the transaction? Isn't this considered unfair treatment?
Jane purchased the items for Joe, consequently, Jane violated company policy. John was just the person ringing the transaction. No violation happened since another employee could have done that without knowing the terms of the purchase between Jane and Joe. Unless Jane can prove otherwise, the evidence for now speaks for itself. Good Luck!
Last edited: should have been detailed more. The deal was if Joe was to purchase medium sizes, he would use John's discount or if he needed large sizes, he would use Jane's discount. Yes, anyone can do the transaction without knowing, but John agreed and keep in mind John is also a manager. They are aware of policy and procedure ;)
The burden of proof still falls on Jane...tough luck!
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