Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant can cops do this or not?

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I got pulled over by a deputy for "not signaling 100' prior to turn" , the road made a 90° turn so I was not required to signal, but that's not what bothers me. After pulling me over (9:01pm) I sat in my truck for2 ½ minutes before he even approached my truck. When he finally came to it he came to my passenger window, and ask to see my DL and insurance I gave them to him and then he told me to get out of the truck, so I got out and shut my door. He ask where I was going, I told him I was going to pick my girlfriend up from work b/c she got off at 9:00. He told me to stand in front of his car and he was going to write me a warning and won't take too long. I stood there until 9:19pm meanwhile there were 4 more deputy cars that showed up & 5 deputies. When he gave me the warning & my DL back for some reason I had 5 cops besides him circled around me, then he ask if he could search my truck. I said that I told him I was late picking her up so no I didn't have time. He told me to wait right there, and he went and got his dog out of his car. He walked it around my truck 2 times, then he patted my door and pulled the dog up to the door. It wouldn't even look at my truck, then he opened my door and he crawled in dragging the dog behind him. He was in there for about 2 or 3 min. when he got out he started petting her and saying "good girl" then he put her in his car. Then he told me to put my hands on the hood and he started sticking his hands in my pockets and taking stuff out of them. He got my snuff can & open it and shook it around. Then he told me that the dog alerted in there and he was going to look around the "area" that she alerted. I ask him if he could try to hurry & he said "this is more than a traffic stop, now its an investigation, I will take the time I need" So I had 2 cops in my truck 4 circled around me. While searching they cracked my dash board, all the papers in my glove box were in the floor, they went through every paper in it & scattered them everywhere, opened my toolbox & dug in it, opened my hood and dug around in it. Now the good part, I am stopped right in across the street of the school gym parking, and the basket ball game was over so everybody in town while leaving the game can't see any thing but my truck with hood, both doors, toolbox opened & 2 cops in it, & me standing with 4cops around me, and a total of 5 cop cars behind my truck. At 10:19pm he came back to me & said that I was free to go. didn't even say he was sorry or nothing. Since then everybody in town looks at me different, & my girlfriend broke up with me. I did not have and never have had any drugs on me or in my truck. I have not ever been convicted or even charged with any drug charges. Is there anything I can do about this or not?
cop did nothing wrong...

why is it that when a police officer is doing his job, that peopl ealways think that they are getting harrassed. First, reason why you waiting so long before he went up to your car was because he was waiting on the information to come back about your vehicle registration. Hes not going to just walk up to your car not knowing who the vehicle belongs to, if its stolen, or if it could be a felony stop. Second, telling a police officer that you are in a hurry is going to make him already suspicious of you. Putting you infront of your car is one protecting you from standing in traffic so you and him dont get hit, and two its protecting the police officer, he doesnt know who you are or what you could have on you. Next, all the polce cars coming there, most departments always require at least one other officer on a traffic stop for officer safety, 5 might have been because they were all in the area and showed up at the same time. You have the right to say no to the searching your car, but the officer also has the right to have the dog search the outside of you car. Being in a K-9 postion, I know this, a dog doesnt have to be looking at ALL at what he is smelling. A K-9 sense of smell, as im sure you know, is 100's of times strong than ours. A K-9 has tells, like in poker, so the officer saw tells in his dog which led him to search inside your car. Yes the officers shouold have showed a lot more tact when searching your car, that was unprofessional. The dog alerting in your car could have been anything. Maybe someone sat on the seat that once had drugs with them, so on and so on...So, is there anything you can do...No, just be thankful that you have police officers that are trying to keep your neighborhood safe for you and your family.
evanjack10, first the reason he waited so long to come to my truck wasn't because he had to get my information back, because I was standing right beside him in front of his car when the return on my truck came back. secondly 90 % of the people stopped around here don't ever have to exit there car even if they are going to get a real ticket. And as far as all the cops go, this took place in a town with population of 3300 and has its own police dept. and has 2 city cops patrolling on each shift. I didn't even see a single city cop there I had 6 sheriff deputies, which have to patrol the whole county, but for some reason me not signaling 100' prior to turn was a serious enough of crime to have every one of them that were on patrol that night come up there and stand for a little over a hour, in the middle of this little small town that have its own cops to take care of it, I guess they were doing there job that night because they didn't waste their time by even driving by where I was. When it comes to dogs I as well know a thing or two ,being that I have 12 dogs in the back right now. 9 of which are hunting dogs, 3 are for working cattle. I can tell when a dog smells something that it know it is suppose to pursue + every dog that I have ever seen on "COPS" on TV are going crazy tiring to get it and sure aren't looking across the street at the school gym. I also thought that a perimeter search excluded opening any doors being that the dog didn't alert at all when he did that and know one could see or tell that it did inside either besides the handler. When he said he was going to look around the" AREA" the dog alerted in , I would think that the dog should have pretty well been able to pin point it if it was there, but under my hood and it my tool box the dog couldn't have alerted there because its handler didn't even let it smell around those places. Something else you didn't comment on was them cracking my dash board, not the little snap on panel thing, the dashboard that you can set things on , it now has a big 6" crack or more like a rip in it . And last but not least I was unaware that they could stick their hands in my pant pockets getting my snuff can, open it shake it around looking, wanting to see how much money I had on me, and they acted like total jerks the whole time. I would ask one of the one standing around me something but all they would do is stand there with their hands on their hips bowed up and not say anything. The whole thing was a bunch of bs, and it not only offended me a great deal but was very humiliating as well. One more thing evanjack10 when they searched me they did not find even a nibble of what they were looking for, when you were searched what was it you said they found again, enough to satisfy them anyway. If there is anyone out there that knows if and what I can do please tell me what you think. Thanks
What to do

I'm not going to go into a long drawn out thing because evanjack did a good job of that. On the issue of the dog not looking at the vehicle, you may have a hundred hunting dogs in your yard but you and your dogs are not trained to search for drugs and only the handler can tell when the dog hits on the vehicle or person. On the dashboard issue you will have to prove that the officers did the damage and that it was not there before they started so good luck.
pay attention

thats exactly what i said too about only the handler knowing. People flip out just because thier feelings got hurt. Big deal! And i did comment on the cops were maybe being a little on your reading comprehension Hog.
No they do not have the right to abuse use you which is what they did. After 911 this country has devided into more or less 2 trends of thought. The Scared that want government to protect them & give up rights of others so they feel safe, they gave the government the right to come in your house when you are not there with a secret warrant so you never know you are being watched.

Remember they are there to protect you, so who protects you from them when they abuse their power. If you don't think there are bad police start reading the news, between the church & the police they have most of the sins covered & invented some new ones.

The other side still remembers that you must always be vigilent of government & question it. They never let the government automaticly dictate what is good for them or believe everything.

I watched as they did a illegal search on a female friend (even the female LEO called in to do the search asked what their PC was & was told for officers saftey even though they never searched any of the males, she said she felt the search wrong but was still ordered to do it}& was told to leave or I would be arrested, when asked what charge I was told they would make one up between the 4 of them & it would hold.

Remember even if you are right & the LEO arrests you all you may get is a so sorry we were wrong, only the minorities that get video taped get the real justice. Seems like 9 out 10 times the victim settles out of court & the LEO goes right back to his job.

PS If 6 of anybody else had done what the police had done to you it would have been called a gang terrorist threat but since it was the police they are just doing their job, Their acting more & more like the NAZI SS everyday. By the way do you have your papers yet to cross the country.

You will never know how he feels unless it happens to your child!!! You seem to get a little agitated at the state of the policing powers to date! If someone is breaking the law, I say fine, go after them. If you are targeting a person for a certain reason, or because you have nothing better to do, then you are betraying the oath you took to uphold the law. Some people are just nuts! Hail to the new chief JEB! :p
Just Curious,

but is it legal to video tape the cop while he stops you and starts acting funny? Can you tell the police officer you are ready to wait for him to do whatever he feels he has to do, but you are going to video tape it for future reference and protection? Will the cop just smash your face in? Can the cop legally make you not video tape him?

Some cops turn into pigs, and I've met a few. One of them stopped me while I was talking to my friend on the corner of my street and started harrassing me. He asked me if one of my friends was one of the ones that peeled out in the area. I lived in a part of San Francisco where I hear that all the time. I told him no, but I hear people peeling out all the time. He told me, "HEY just cuz you hear gunshots its okay to shoot people?" and proceeded to question and harass us and give us generally a hard time for being around the area. Hate em, hate em, hate em.
Yeah Hunter, id be mad too. I think thats disgusting. Ive heard many stories like this one and its sad that the police are allowed to hurt people, lie and steal because they have that tacky suit on.
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