Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Can I be arrested for admitting

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Thursday night I was on my way walking home and a cop stopped me and said he could smell the meth so i let him search me, my bike, and my backpack because i had nothing. but i did use heroin that night and im sure he notoced my pupils were tiny so my dumbass admitted to it. A couple more cops showed up and they are all making snobby remarks acting like pricks. They tell me that if I help them catch the guy who sold me the heroin then they will let me off and that they will call me wednesday around 7pm. I really dont want to do this because the guy i get it from doesnt deserve it so im wondering is my confession enough to charged? Should I cooperate with them? Im also on probation.
Your confession is likely not enough. If they did not draw blood or do any other tests then they will lack the evidence they need to convict you.
Surely you believed you were in custody and not free to go when they coerced that confession from you....
You might want to notify your PO of this. (any contact with the police you should) You also might want to talk to a lawyer - partly about the pros & cons of telling where you got your drugs.
They shined their light on my eyes, had me stick my tongue out, and had me count to 30 in my head but they said I was a good counter..
Ignore them. Nothing good will come of your providing them information. They will just continue to use you.
You should notify your po of the contact, but you would be wise to leave out the confession. I'm sure you never really said that...
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