Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Can I be arrested for returning an item?

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New Member
Hi - After trying on sunglasses at a store, I had pushed them up on top of my head. About an hour later, when I went to pay for my purchases, I had forgotten they were there as I'm so used to having sunglasses on top of my head. I paid for everything else in my purchase, and left.

I didn't realize that I had the sunglasses until I got home - by which time the store was closed. If I return tomorrow to pay the item, could I get in trouble?
I've been calling up all my family in law enforcement (I have quite a bit) and they all unanimously said that "they can't see" the store doing that. However, another family member in retail said that I should under no circumstances go back to the store because many stores have the policy that they'll detain you and fine you since it's still technically shoplifting, even if you return the item.

I've never stolen anything in my life, and I honestly intended to buy these sunglasses - and I still want to buy them, haha, which is why I don't want to annonymously mail them back or anything. But I am very nervous at the prospect of getting a criminal record for trying to correct an honest mistake.

Thoughts? Advice? Really don't know what to do...
Does the cost of the item make a difference? It was $40 - I believe a felony is over $99, right? Worst case scenario, what could I be charged with and would I then have a criminal record? Would it be handled by the in-store LP staff or by the police?
Do you know of any cases where this happened (someone returned the item to pay for it and was charged)? I absolutely want to do the right thing, but am just very nervous about what could happen.
It would be misdemeanor. Although as stated I find it highly unlikely they will file a criminal complaint although we cannot say that for certain
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