I was charged with felony theft however someone else has been charged and convicted of the same theft we are not co-defendants I have not been tried yet is this legal?We were both charged at the same time.
If you acted together then yes.
If you are being charged with an offense that you had nothing to do with then no.
I suspect you were a conspirator of sorts. It is not uncommon to be tried separately.
It is possible for 2 defendants to be convicted of the same crime, by two separate juries, based on the information presented at each trial. Unless they were co-conspirators it is unlikely.
Yes its legal. However since we do not know the details of the event its hard to be much help outside of answering yes. Do you have an Attorney if not you need one. If this is felony theft you face prison so you need a good defense Attorney. Make no admissions on any public forum and do not name store or anyone involved. You can still get online advice but use caution you do not give the DA evidence to use against you. You can find some helpful info here http://retailtheftanswers.freewebsite.com/index.html as well
No I did not do it or have any involvement in it I did hoever go to the scrapyard with him to cash it in but I did not know the stuff was stolen until after
No in fact he pled guilty they saw me on the video at the scrap yard and I used my I.D to turn the scrap in he did not have an I.D I was told that he told the detective that I had no involvement in it The warrents were signed on the same day and he has since been convicted and sentenced I go to court in a week
No in fact he pled guilty they saw me on the video at the scrap yard and I used my I.D to turn the scrap in he did not have an I.D I was told that he told the detective that I had no involvement in it The warrents were signed on the same day and he has since been convicted and sentenced I go to court in a week