Can I be in legal trouble for abandonment of a disabled person if I am POA?

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All Questions in Elder Law >> Disabled abandonmentDisabled abandonment I am a 53 y.o. disabled woman with many health issues. My boyfriend had a massive stroke 2 months ago. He was in hospital and then a rehab center for a month. I then brought him home to try to care for him by myself which is impossible. He is paralyzed on his left side completely. He needs total care 24/7. He is unable to stand walk or anything. He can feed himself but drops food a lot. He has a lot of mental issues including memory loss and confusion. He is in the {Center name removed} Ga although we live in Alabama. They are trying to force me to bring him home even though it takes 2 to 3 BIG men there to lift him and transfer him etc. I am disabled! I am only 5' 2 and there is no way I can lift a 6 ft 249 lb man! He had to be lowered to the floor twice when he was home and had to have 911 called to come help get him up. Now they are threatening me if I do not bring him home they will file ABANDONMENT charges. How have I abandoned him? I have been there at every hosp he has been in day and night. I am a student and school starts back in a few weeks. I CAN NOT be here 24/7. I am disabled and unable physically to care for him. We are waiting for SSI determination which may take a couple more months. Can they put me in jail for abandonment? His family has abandoned him, not me!! They have done nothing to help through all this! NOTHING! We are not married! I am not capable to do what he needs. He needs round the clock care! HELP!
From what you say, it seems you have no obligation toward this man. The hospital will contact social services and work something out.
If you have POA then you may be in a position to arrange for his care if you can't care for him yourself.

Anyway don't sweat the hospital. If you are contacted by law enforcement just make it clear you are not family and not married. They won't waste much time with you.
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